A note for our English speaking readers

By Katerina Fouli

We would like to inform you, our SkalaTimes readers, that there is a way you can directly translate our front page as well as our articles into English, as we have a large readership which prefer English and we’d like to be more inclusive.

Through the “Google Translate” Chrome extension, it’s possible to translate a page from Greek to not only English but many more languages.

Other digital newspapers and magazines, have an option to directly translate their content, but this costs us money and as we are an independent magazine, it’s more difficult for us to provide that feature. So, we have found an alternative option for those who are interested!

Follow these simple steps below:

  1. Click this link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb?hl=en

This will take you to the extension directly.

2. Press “Add to Chrome” and then “Add extension”

  • 3. You will find your extension(s), next to the search bar in Google (puzzle icon)

  • 4. Pin the Google Translate extension by pressing on the extension icon.

    Click the pin so it turns blue (which means you’ve pinned it) and now you have easy access, whenever you wish to use it

  • 5. You can translate “Skala Times” and any other website, with just a click of a button

This icon will appear when you click on the extension, press “Translate this page”.

This is what a translated front page looks like:

Now you can choose the article you want to read, in the language of your choice. Once the article loads you may have to press “Translate this page” again!

We hope this was helpful, happy reading!


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